Ohio Truck Lift Laws | Guide for Lift Kits

Ohio Truck Lift Laws | Guide for Lift Kits

Maximum Height on Vehicles in Ohio

Ohio is one of the most favorable states when it comes to upgrading a vehicle with custom suspension. That’s because there are few laws in place to restrict the maximum height of your vehicle. Overall, cars, trucks, and SUVs in your state cannot exceed 13 feet and 6 inches, which is quite a lot of room to work with. Beyond that, there are a few additional laws that it’s important to read up on before you decide to customize a vehicle. Check out our guide on lift laws in your state, and let us know if you need any help finding a truck with custom suspension.

Suspension and Frame Height

There are no laws that govern how high the suspension or frame height of your vehicle can be in Ohio. In contrast to some other states in the country, driving a custom vehicle in Ohio is pretty much a walk in the park. Upgrading vehicle suspension is one of the best ways to prepare for off-road action, and there’s no doubt that your state has plenty of great trails and parks to explore. However, before you get too excited, it’s important to learn about the laws relating to bumper height.

Vehicle Bumper Height

Most of the laws regarding vehicle height in your state are related to the height of your bumper. If you drive a car or SUV, the laws are simple. Both the front and rear bumper can be no more than 22 inches off the ground. That’s just under two feet and should still allow you a modest lift height. However, if you drive a truck, the laws are a little different. You’ll first need to learn your truck’s GVWR, or gross vehicle weight rating. This essentially boils down to how much your vehicle weighs. If the vehicle has a GVWR under 4,500 lbs., the bumper in front can be up to 24 inches off the ground, and the bumper in the rear can be 26 inches off the ground. Trucks with a GWVR between 4,501 and 7,500 lbs. can have their bumper in front up to 27 inches off the ground, with the rear bumper as much as 29 inches off the ground. Finally, trucks that have a GVWR over 7,501 lbs. can raise the bumper up front as much as 28 inches off the ground, with a max bumper height of 31 inches in the rear. Be sure to consider how much your vehicle will weigh after installing these upgrades to get an accurate reading of your GVWR.

Ohio Truck Lift Laws
Lifting your vehicle can be very useful when you plan on heading off-road. Otherwise, your chances of getting stuck are greatly increased. Ultimate Rides is here to help you get set up with the perfect off-road truck or SUV, so don’t be afraid to reach out over the phone.

Finding Trucks with High-Quality Lift Kits

If you’re in the market for a new truck, it’s not a bad idea to buy one with a lift setup pre-installed. Ultimate Rides is one of the many places you can buy a lifted truck in Ohio. We’re located just two states over in Illinois, and we’re happy to provide fast and affordable shipping to customers across the country. We’re aware of the regulations and laws regarding lifts in Ohio, so it’ll be no problem to get you a vehicle that’s specifically designed for your needs. If you decide not to go with Ultimate Rides, that’s perfectly okay as well. Just make sure to do plenty of research to ensure you’re getting a good deal as well as everything you’ll need in your next vehicle. Pay close attention to the height of the ride, including how high the bumper is off the ground, both the rear and front bumper. As long as you do, you’ll be all set for countless adventures throughout Ohio.

Types of Lift Systems Available

There are a number of different lift kits available for you to try out there. The highest quality offerings will require altering the suspension of your SUV or truck. These suspension lift systems can be costly, and quite difficult to install. However, they will give you the best performance afterward, hands down. These lift systems can cost thousands of dollars including installation, but when you think about the actual benefits you’ll be gaining, it might not seem like too much money compared to the overall cost of your vehicle. However, if you’re looking to spend a little less, you can think about installing a more modest body lift kit. Body lifts can sometimes compromise your ride quality, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Just make sure to consult with experts to choose the right kit for your vehicle, and ask them about options for installation if you want the best results.

Ohio Truck Lift Laws
In addition to getting set up with the right lift system, it’s important to choose the correct tires for the situations ahead. For instance, if you know you’ll be driving through heavy snow, a set of snow tires should be on your list of purchases.

Benefits of Lifted Vehicles

Whether you’re riding across the plains or hills of Ohio, through dense forests out west, or through swampy terrain in Florida or Louisiana, it’s never a bad idea to have a lifted pickup truck at your disposal. Any time you’re going off-road, one of these trucks can make the drive more manageable, without putting the safety of you or your vehicle at risk. With a suspension lift setup, you’ll raise the ground clearance of your truck or SUV, ensuring that you can safely make it over obstacles. You’ll also have a higher vantage point to see from, hopefully giving you a clear look at the terrain around you. Lift kits also give drivers the ability to install larger tires on their vehicle, whether those are snow tires, mud tires, or a kind of tire meant for highway driving. If you see a future for yourself filled with off-road adventure, upgrading to a lifted truck is a smart move, especially now that you know the laws on these kits in Ohio.  Alsom if you are looking for a lifted truck in Ohio, Ultimate Rides has you covered!